From my Heart

Workshop Dancing & Making


Location: The Hague

This 1-day workshop explores the fascinating ability of the heart to communicate and how this powerful quality can inspire our dancing and compositional work.


From my heart
Moving and listening from the heart as a center

By tuning into our breathing with its light and spacious quality our body can soften and become available for movement.
An awareness of our connection with the ground leads into an exploration of weight, release and momentum in which we experience expansion and openness, especially in the torso.
This enables us to feel where the heart is located in our body and to gradually connect to its energetic power and reach.
As we listen with the heart inwards and outwards, we can respond to the stream of inspiration that flows through us and let it carry our dance further.

Schedule: Sunday, 3 November 2024,12h00 – 17h00
Place: CLOUD/Danslab, De Constant Rebecqueplein 20b, Den Haag
Information about fee and registration will be shared soon.

© Photo: excerpt of a photo by Lotta Studer

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