Dedication and the art of creating ground and space

It was Jana Novorytová and Mish Rais who knew the recipe for this success: with incredible dedication and professionalism, they had organized and coordinated everything in detail and were able to find solutions to unforeseen problems, no matter how much time pressure there was.
The communication and advertising in advance, the provided dance studio for the workshop, the availability and cooperation of the theatre's technicians, the time-consuming set-up and dismantling of the performance material and the documentation of both events were so well thought out, professionally and generously prepared and realised that the essence of our work could blossom in the best possible way and be shared with others.

To create a solid ground and welcoming space for these kinds of events where we can meet, work and share is an art on its own!
Thank you, Jana and Mish for your exquisite work and collaboration!
We look forward to a continuation.

Furthermore a warm thank you to the technicians Pavel Havrda, Matej Senkyrík and the tech team of Studio Hrdinu; to Tomas Hejzlar and Tereza Jakubkova for your fabulous photos, which are a distinctive documentation of Along the Lines and the workshop Shed light on your dancing in Prague and to the European Union NextGenerationEU, Czech Recovery Plan and Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic for the financial support.

Photo: Tomas Hejzlar

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